Announcing Open Auditions For The Cleveland Browns Drumline
The Browns Drumline in action at a home game!
Did you know that the Cleveland Browns Drumline was a program of Bluecoats? Well, now you do!
And if you’re a marching drummer in the Cleveland area we’re looking for you! Beginning May 17th, video auditions will be open for any interested candidates. The auditions will follow this two-step process.
Video Audition: Applicants will prepare the audition material and upload a video playing through ALL of the material on the instrument of their choice (Snare Drum, Tenor Drums, Bass Drum, or Cymbals). Applicants are encouraged to use an actual instrument in their video, but drum pads may also be acceptable. Applicant's drums and upper body should be clearly visible in the video in order to properly assess the audition material. Bass drum applicants should focus on the bass drum 1 parts on any and all "splits". The video submission process will be open from May 17 through May 26. Applicants should upload videos to YouTube (private links, preferred). Upon uploading, applicants should send an e-mail to The e-mail should include the following information: Full name, audition instrument, details on your marching experience (Marching band, Drum Corps, Winter Percussion, etc.), e-mail contact, as well as all links to the uploaded YouTube videos. ALL APPLICANTS MUST BE AT LEAST 18 YEARS OF AGE ON OR BEFORE THE FIRST HOME PRESEASON GAME (August 8).
Invitation to the first rehearsal: Video applicants will receive correspondence from a Browns Drumline representative on or before June 2. Upon a successful video audition, applicants will be invited out to the first rehearsal on Sunday, June 9 (9am-12p) to play with the rest of the drumline members. After this live audition, applicants will be notified of their status in the drumline at the conclusion of the rehearsal.
With questions about the Browns Drumline, email program director John McFarland ( You can download the audition materials below!